地址:Biaoji Building, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai city, Guangdong Province
The Standard Transmission Specification (STS) is the global standard for the prepaid tokens transmission by power and other utilities, ensuring interoperability between system components from different manufacturers.
It was originally introduced in South Africa in 1993, and was later published by the International Electrician Commission as the IEC 62055 Series specification. The application of the technology is licensed through the STS Association to ensure that appropriate key management encryption practices are applied to protect utilities' prepaid transactions.
Security issues are essential.
Security issues are critical to utility suppliers and users.
Using the STS standards can prevent these situations:
Fraudulent transfer of due to accidental attempt to enter the correct number;
Fraudulent tokens from stolen power station sales;
Defrauding tokens by legally selling power stations outside utility areas;
Fraudulent reuse of a token already used;
Tamper with legal token,For example,For example, change value;
The STS provides the ability to generate (e. g., credit transfer) tokens that can be used only by a predetermined instrument, and only once in the case of a credit token.
To achieve the above security, the criteria are defined as follows:
Using advanced encryption technology, which is unknown to the user at any time-the system is easy to use.
Use a very secure key managerment programs, including the way the keys are generated and transmitted.
Safety functions required by both the power station and the meter.
From the above, the prepaid network sheet recharge with STS authentication security performance is very high,our company is a member of STS,and here are STS certified meters.
Single-phase STS prepaid network table
Three phase STS prepaid network sheet